Friday, January 9, 2015



Yes, to exercise - as much and as often as you are able.

I am not a going to sell any products, plans, or endorse any one type of exercise.  The goal is to find what works for you today and DO IT.  Something else might work better next week, but, for today, find a modality that works.

Yes, I run, I lift, I stretch, I do circuits, I walk, I practice yoga, I kayak, I play soccer, I swim, I hike, I ski...

But I don't endorse any one of these - I search for the ones that work to help me meet my goals of staying strong, flexible, and active (without hurting myself).  Again, it's one day at a time.

I have found many, many modifications that allow me to get a lot out of every session.  No balance, no problem!  Low vision, we can address that!  Tight muscles, we'll loosen them! Trouble sleeping, exercise can help!  Don't be afraid to modify!!  And, if something truly is not working, scrap it and try something else.  Just because it doesn't work now, doesn't mean it won't work in the future.  Revisit the exercise at another time.

Check out the Exercise page for "First Thing's First" (new today).

Check out the Training Plans page for a Pre-Conditioning Walking plan (new today).

Feel free to comment on what works for you or ask any questions you many have about how to go about exercise.  I will try to post on a variety of approaches.  Your requests are encouraged!

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