Running with MS

I am a runner!  It is tempting to qualify that statement (of sorts, but a slow one, when I can...), but I am standing by the original statement:  I AM A RUNNER.

Running with MS is not an easy undertaking.  One day at a time; one run at a time; one step at a time.

Oh, and I'm not a running snob!  Although I coach runners, I "run" in a variety of ways.  Sometimes I am able to run, but often times I rely on a combination of running and walking.  Other times I am happy to just be out walking.  So, join in this conversation whether you are running, run/walking, walking, or hoping to walk well again.  It's a journey we can make together and support each other every step of the way!

I invite comments and questions about getting started, developing training plans, first races, longer distances, starting over, and injuries.  Feel free to share your successes and challenges!

#1  RUN - WALK - RUN:  Jeff Galloway

From his site:  "Jeff has worked with over 200,000 average people in training for specific goals 
and is the inventor of the Galloway Run Walk Run method.  His innovative ideas have opened up 
the possibility of  running and completing a marathon to almost everyone."

His ideas and training plans make running and walking in combination a possibility for many - 

even those of us with MS.  I may never reach the marathon distance, but re-opening the possiblity
of running any distance is empowering and potentially life changing.


Flotation belts made for water running work great when you want to run but aren't able to 
(or aren't able to tolerate the impact or the increase in body temperature).

Check out the AquaJogger device.  Speedo also makes a version. 

This device keeps you floating upright in the water with all but your head and neck submerged.  
You can run easy and long - or fast and short.  You can tailor the workout to your needs and 

Aqua jogging is also great for recovery after an injury or as a tool for regaining running capacity 
after long breaks.

Form is maintained but there is NO IMPACT.

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